Frequent Discharge Is Not Required For Nickel-Based Battery
Nickel-based battery has a memory-effect problem. However, this problem can easily be solved with a full discharge and full recharge technique within a certain period. An actively used (or always in standby mode) NiCad battery is required for a full discharge approximately once a month. While NiMH battery is only required for a full discharge approximately once in 3 months.

Do not recharge your battery for too long, i.e.: more than a day.

Never Discharge Li-Ion Battery
This is not required as Li-Ion battery do not has the memory-effect (like nickel-based battery). However, Li-Ion battery has a virtual memory-effect problem. A good example of virtual memory-effect problem is when the battery strength indicator on your mobile phone keeps changing, i.e.: from full bar to very low bar before it goes up to half bar, etc.

Li-Ion battery can be recharge at any time, no matter what is the battery strength indicator shows on your mobile phone. It is advisable to start recharge your battery once the low level battery alarm sounds, not after your battery is dead.

Keeps the spare Li-Ion battery safely
If you have 2 Li-Ion batteries, fully utilise the first one and keep the spare with a recharge capacity of 40% in room temperature. If required, do a partial discharge on this spare battery, not a full discharge. This 40% charge capacity is required for the battery's internal safety circuit. Full recharge this battery before you use it back again.

You can keep a spare battery in an air tight container, bag or even in the fridge. But not in the freezer area. Extreme cold condition (< 0 degC) will affect the battery's internal resistance. To use back this battery, remove it from the fridge and let it be under room temperature for about an hour. Then, full recharge the battery.

Check Manufacturing Date
If you are going to purchase a spare Li-Ion battery (which is not required, apparently), check the manufacturing date. Do not purchase an old stock, even if it is cheap. Whether it have been used or not, Li-Ion battery lifespan is only around 2 to 3 years from its manufacturing date; not from the day you purchase it!

Avoid Exposure To Direct Heat
Do not keep your mobile phone battery under a hot condition or exposed it to direct sunlight for a long time. This will only drastically reduce your battery's lifespan. The best example of this situation is leaving your mobile phone or keeps the spare battery inside your car, at a scorching hot, open air parking lot.

Keeping the battery in your pants pocket can make it hot too, through your body heat.

In-car charger is not exempted, here. Do not recharge your battery inside your car during a hot day. Switch on the A/C first and wait it cool before connecting the charger.

Buy The Original
Only select the genuine battery and charger. Imitation battery does not have an approved standard of internal safety circuit. Your battery needs this circuit to disconnect the power source when there is an internal short-circuit, mostly because of overheating.

Most battery fails because of overcharging. A genuine charger has a detector to control the recharge capacity, so that overcharge can be avoided. Almost every imitation charger did not have this safety module. This charger totally relies on the battery's safety circuit to do the job! Imagine an imitation battery is used with an imitation charger, both of them can explode! In summary, this safety module within the battery's internal safety circuit and inside the charger is important for the safe usage of your battery.

Switch off your charger as soon as your battery is fully recharged. At least, you can save your electricity bills.

Monitor Your Battery's Temperature
Your battery will be heated up a bit after a full recharge, before it cools down to room temperature shortly after that. If the battery is constantly hot along the recharge process or before it is fully recharged, you have a serious problem with your charger.

Ensure that your charger is fully 100% compatible with the model of your mobile phone battery. Recharge your battery based of its type, whether nickel or lithium. Never use a charger which is proven to heat up a battery during recharge.

Do Not Wet Your Battery
Avoid your battery from any form of liquid, or worst: accidently leave it in your washing machine! If you have done this before, do not recharge the battery. Get a new one, instead.

Never Tamper Your Battery
Never attempt to tamper or dismantle your battery for a modification purpose. If you have done this before, get a new battery to save your mobile phone.

Do Not Drop Your Battery
Avoid dropping your battery, intentionally or unintentionally. Every drop will spoil your battery, slowly. If you noticed that your battery charge capacity reduced at a faster rate, it is time for you to get a new battery.

Careful With Your Battery's Contact
Ensure that the battery's contact plate is always clean. Clean this contact plate, if required. Careful with the cleaning alcohol since some alcohol can damage your mobile phone's plastic casing.

Do Not Trust Those Advertisement
Some ads claim that their in-car charger can recharge your battery at a faster rate. Instead, this charger will only reduce your battery lifespan, at a faster rate!

You do not have to switch off your mobile phone during recharging. Your charger has enough ability to power up your mobile phone and recharging your battery, simultaneously. Recharge rate is still the same if you switch on your mobile phone during recharging. You do not want to miss any more calls and messages, remember?

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